Thursday, 18 January 2018

I never get sick

I never get sick. I however don’t owe this to the diet and exercise regime I follow (which are far from conscious, considerate and consistent by the way) or to my immunity system. I am in fact one of those kids who have visited more clinics than parks and have eaten more medicines than candies. Not only have I given my parents sleepless and howling nights but episodes of me not breathing properly to not breathing at all were common. But this did not last for long. Some 3650 days after I was born, I developed a stable immune system free from commoners like cold, cough, fever and flu.

 I was now part of the big league. While cold, cough and fever evaded me, jaundice, chickenpox and conjunctivitis were the new biggies in my life. I guess it is because of them that I let go my childhood dream of becoming a doctor. I didn’t want them and I didn’t want to be around them. This phase of life passed gradually and I was in college ; a good 4 healthy years of my life with no big ailment if we ignore the jitters of exams and broken hearts after seeing the results 😉

I then came to Bombay and was still proud of my health. My sick leaves were not getting utilized and my medical insurance went unclaimed. It wasn’t that I was not falling ill. Whatever happened to me had no remedy or commenced on Friday nights and concluded on Sunday evenings. Very typical and hopeless ailments befriended me now. Hair loss, weight gain, an itching on the skin developing into a big red rash etc were some unworthy and unmentionable entrants in my life.

Fast forward few years and I was married. Marriage they say is a new phase and it lived up to its name for me because it was in fact a new phase of inexperienced ailments for me. I had never visited a dentist. I never had the need to. Within one month of my marriage however not only did I visit two dentists multiple times but also went through extraction of two wisdom teeth. I had gained a husband but lost my wisdom :-D

As of now its been two years since I got married and have had extraction of all four wisdom teeth. It’s a painful process I must mention. This year on our annual vacation to India, my husband and I visited more doctors than relatives. Most of them were routine checkups, (except the extraction of my remaining wisdom teeth) but we were fair to all disciplines of medicine. We brought back all recommended Homeopathic, Allopathic and Ayurvedic medicines with us. We have a big medicine shelf now. We might start prescribing and selling some soon too :D

As of today, I am developing a sty like pimple on my left eye and my eyes are watery too.Time to hit the medicine shelf but then as I said, I never get sick………..the common way.

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